Kids Books - Science Fiction

Magic Tree House #21: Civil War on Sunday

Magic Tree House #21: Civil War on Sunday


Silver War on Sunday by Marry Pope Osborne. It tells about a boy and a girl named Jake and Annie. Who went on a magic tree house bake to the silver War. There they saw tents they went down by the tents and meet a nurse named Clara Barton. She asked Annie and Jake to help the wounded solders. Jake and Annie were brave an saved many solders life.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

By C. S. Lewis

I really did not decide to read it but my class in school was going to read it. At first I have always thought that I would not like but when I saw the movie in class I just really loved it it is an awesome book read it

Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy

Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy

By Erin Hunter

This is the best book ever in the Warriors series! It’s so sad, but also heartwarming! I loved Bluestar, because she’s such a brave and headstrong cat. She faces her fears in a way that I can only call exemplary, and I think she’s a great role model for all readers. The story starts with her as a kitten named Bluekit. She has always been peaceful and safe with her sister, Snowfur, and her mother, Moonflower. But when she becomes an apprentice, receiving the name Bluepaw, and begins her training to hunt and fight like the wild cat she is, Moonflower dies in a terrible battle. Angry and grieving, Bluepaw feels like she can never become a true warrior. And when a cat named Goosefeather gives her a prophecy—“You will blaze through the forest like fire. Only water can destroy you”—she gets even more frustrated. What are these cryptic words supposed to mean? No one knows...except for Goosefeather, of course. Meanwhile, tensions are rising between Bluepaw, (now a warrior named Bluefur) and her sister, Snowfur. When Snowfur gets hit by a monster—a strange object that the two-legged creatures near their territory drive around in—Bluefur’s heart is torn in half. The only thing that makes her happy is seeing Oakheart, a tom. But their relationship is forbidden...and if any cat finds out, they might be banished from their homes, and everything they have ever known. Can Bluefur make the right decision? Read this book to find out!

The White Giraffe

The White Giraffe

By Lauren St. John

"White Giraffe by Lauren St. John tells about 11 year old Martine and a white giraffe." One night Martine was sleeping but woke up to a hot and tingling sensation just to realize her house was on fire. After, her parents died due to the fire she had to move all the way from England to Africa. She had to go live with her grandmother that she had never heard about.. One night she SWORE she saw something that sort of looked like a giraffe out her window. But it was white.. She decided to go outside and look for it. But she found nothing. Another night she decided to look for it again. There it was, her looking up at it and it looking down at her. They made a connection. A strong connection. The giraffe saved, but she decided not to tell her grandmother. She was scared she was get mad at her for going outside at night, or worse, she was scared that she would do something bad to the giraffe, so she decided to not tell ANYONE. Martine's grandmother and parents knew she always had a connection with animals.

Eclipse (Warriors: Power of Three #4)

Eclipse (Warriors: Power of Three #4)

By Erin Hunter

This. Was. Amazing. The characters were engaging, the plot was intense—what more could you expect from a book? I enjoyed it very much, and I recommend it to anyone who looks for a good book. Lionpaw, Jaypaw, and Hollypaw are making their journey back to the warrior Clans. After helping the Tribe of Rushing Water (a different group of cats) deal with some rogues, their father, Brambleclaw, is being regarded a hero for leading the attack. But a stranger has come to the Clans—a stranger who may not be trustworthy. As this new cat wreaks havoc within one of the Clans, Lionpaw, Jaypaw, and Hollypaw have a choice; should they stay safe and not interfere, or risk everything to save their friends? Lives are at stake. Can the three siblings convince the other Clans to drive away the stranger? Or will all their hard work crumble? Read this book to find out!

Story Thieves

Story Thieves

By James Riley

I love this book. It's so good! WARNING: the characters are not very good role models, such as Bethany doing things behind her mom's back, and being mean to Owen and not doing the right thing, just because Owen would do it (she finds Owen very stupid and annoying). And there is a lot of lying, and Owen hides the truth from Bethany and carries out a plan, even when Bethany tells him how DANGEROUS it can be! He should have listened to her, even though she is a hot-head. And there is some surgery, which might make some readers feel uncomfortable. Just a heads-up to let you know. I recommend it for ages 8+, or maybe 7+. And if you like this book, then you will like KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES. Read both books. Owen is just a normal kid who lives in the normal world. But that's the problem--life is so boring when you live in the real world and not star as the hero in your very own book series (boring except for reading the Kiel Gnomenfoot magic quest series. NOT BORING AT ALL!). His everyday life is so boring until he sees Bethany climb out of a book in the library where his mother works. It takes some convincing, but Bethany finally tells Owen that she's half-fictional (if that's confusing, her mother is a normal person like Owen, and her father is a fictional character who found his way out of his books and married Bethany's mom) and that she's searching for her 100% fictional father, who went missing when she accidentally jumped herself, her friends, and him into a book at her fourth birthday party. She jumped herself and her friends out, but she has not seen her father since she left him in the book. Owen has just the thing to help her find her dad (or knows OF it). It's a spell in the Kiel Gnomenfoot books--a location spell. But Owen isn't really going into the book to get Bethany access to a spell. He wants to save the Magister, Kiel's magic teacher who is about to be killed by the evil Mad Scientist, Dr. Verity. Owen just can't let that happen, so he changes the plot--with some very mixed results! Owen is where Kiel should be, Kiel is where Owen should be, and the girls are facing some serious situations with the annoying boys (if you're wondering, Bethany and Kiel are facing the Magister, and Owen, who is disguised as Kiel in the last book, is teaming up with Charm, the lovable half-robotic girl. They both face impossible challenges, both in the fictional and nonfictional world, and face difficult choices. I think you will like this awesome book.

The School for Good and Evil

The School for Good and Evil

By Soman Chainani

"The only way out is through a fairy-tale.." By opposites' attraction, Sophie and Agatha of Gavaldon are best friends.. Sophie is beautiful, but only on the outside - she only performs her Good Deeds because her greatest dream is to be kidnapped by the School Master and accepted to the School of Good. Everyone in the village calls Agatha a witch because of her not-so-beautiful appearance on the outside, but inside, she has a heart of gold and she's just lonely for true friendship. When the School Master kidnaps both Agatha and Sophie (to Sophie's delight and to Agatha's horror) but to both of the girls' horror, he places them (supposedly) in the wrong school! While Sophie (School of Evil) and Agatha (School of Good) are struggling in their new schools, feeling their destiny has been horribly switched, Sophie falls for a prince in Good, Tedros, King Arthur's son, while Agatha just wants her friend and her home back. Desperate to get back home, Sophie and Agatha pay a visit to the School Master and the magic, story-writing pen, the Storian.. only to be presented with a riddle ("What's the one thing Evil can never have.. and the one thing Good can never do without?") and a very unsatisfying answer to their pleas ("The only way out is through a fairytale.") It seems that the only way to get out of this "dungeon" is through their fairytales.. Agatha as a princess and Sophie as an evil witch. But unexpectedly, both start excelling at their studies - is it possible that there hadn't been a mix-up after all? If they were exactly in the school they were supposed to be? With the upcoming Circus of Talents where Good boys ask Good girls to be their date for the Snow Ball, Sophie is anxious to be Tedros' date and to receive her true love's kiss.. but Tedros asks the now beautiful and kind Agatha instead to be his date.. In blind rage, Sophie is set on destroying the school that is ultimately destroying her life, and Tedros declares war on Evil. Suddenly.. it seems that Sophie will never become Agatha's friend again, and that they'll never get home to their beloved Gavaldon, ever again. What will happen to the two beloved friends? Read this compelling, magical, absolutely spellbinding book to find out! I loved this book! It is hands down, probably the best fairy-tale twist book I have EVER read! It was extremely captivating, and hooked me on the first page - I just felt a rush as I read it, and I honestly couldn't turn the pages fast enough! This book defies what other books have said - you don't have to be beautiful on the outside to have a solid gold heart on the inside! I've read books about perfect friendships.. but in my mind, those aren't friendships at all. You have to have bumps in the road (very MAJOR bumps for Sophie and Agatha) and it's the strength that takes to rebond, over and over again, to look over each other's faults, to still remain true to each other even when things are rough or when you'll different, and most of all (SPOILERS) to sacrifice yourself for each other. Discover a tearjerking story full of undying, true love, differences, magic, the power to overcome challenges, being yourself, and most of all, it tells you just how important and beautiful true friendship can be! I can't wait to get the second and third books!

The Selection

The Selection

By Kiera Cass

To be perfectly honest, this isn't a great book. Guys, it's romance, it's your typical romance book mixed in with some danger and a jealous other girl.This is set in dystopian America, after some war tore the country apart and rebuilt everything. New America has castes and royalty, castes determine where you live and your lifestyle. They're very important. Ones are the richest people, the kings and queens. The lowest caste is Eight, the poorest of the poor. America Singer (main character) is a Five, still poor but not to the extent of starving. She gets chosen for The Selection (basically The Bachelor) and competes with other girls for Prince Maxon's affection. This book really irritates me in many, many ways. The way America thinks irks me so much. Her character is sarcastic and bratty. I love sarcastic characters (ehem, Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Percy Jackson...) and I really did try to love America too. She is somewhat a relatable character, she is "real", as in; She loves food, she isn't a total air-head, she fights for the lower castes. She's got a likeable side to her but her other side overbalances everything and i end up hating her. Okay, at the start, she's all homesick, she didn't even want to be in The Selection. She tries to get out of her room because it "was suffocating her" and into the gardens. She meets Prince Maxon on the way as she tries to break out, they have this super long conversation (not really) which ends up in her being really rude and kicking him where boys don't like to be kicked. Then he escorts her to the gardens and they have this super long and boring conversation of what she likes and fiwbfihgfiewbgv. After a few more days/weeks, she's seen as a "favourite" of Maxon's. When Maxon starts hanging out with the other girls in the competition, she starts getting jealous and feels as if the "special thing" they once had was "broken" and he didn't like her anymore. She forgets that she's not the only girl in The Selection and it makes me so mad on so many different levels. I hated the main character. And it's so hard to like a book if you hate the person it revolves around.

Island of Silence (The Unwanteds)

Island of Silence (The Unwanteds)

By Lisa McMann

I loved this book! It is about how Lani and Sameed get captured in a mystyresly silent isaland and become slaves. Meanwhile Artim'e has dissipeard and it is up to Alex to restore Artim'e and become the new leader. This book is for ages 7 and up if you are a good reader. It is a fantasy action packed and emotionol book full of adventure. I the character Sameed got a little more bulky because he was a slave and he was working on the ship building. He got more brave because he wasn't with his friends and he was stranded on this island that wasn't home. He became more caring because him and Lani got separated and that made him feel sad, so that made him feel like needed to be with his friends. This book is the second unwanted book so be sure to read the first one first. Hope you love this book.

The Giver (The Giver Quartet)

The Giver (The Giver Quartet)

By Lois Lowry

The main character Jonas lives in the future, in a small Community. It is a place without pain, where people are formal and have carefully outlined procedures for things, ranging from Rituals of Loss to Acceptances of Apologies. They follow rules or are formally chastised, or are even punished with the despised "Release", such a mark on the reputation of the family that is never talked about, when it is used as a punishment. On the day of the Ceremony of Twelve, where everyone is given their Assignment, which they have no say in, and which they will keep on doing for the rest of their life, Jonas is chosen to see beyond, acting as the Reciever. The Reciever is the one who holds the memories of countless generations. He is respected, as he holds the most important job of all, but the community rarely uses him. Instead, they usually persist in their traditions. As the Receiver in training, Jonas is given memories by the wise old Giver, the former Reciever. There is pain, but there is also love. As the memories keep coming, Jonas realizes things. He questions the world that he was brought up in. He grows more and more aware of how no one else in the society is like him or the Giver, and realizes that they are all like robots: brought up to not feel, to be precise in their language, and to have no emotions. He begins to wonder if everyone, not just him, should have feelings and emotions. But what can just two people do to change a society? I loved this book. The writing style, overall, was very direct, like the society itself, but the message was the more important part: it was really thought provoking, especially the end. Another perk is that the book was short, just 168 pages in my edition, so you can finish it in just a few days. I highly recommend this to dystopian lovers, but I could see how those who like fast-paced books such as The Hunger Games would prefer other books.

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