Kids Books - Science Fiction

Unlocked Book 8.5 (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

Unlocked Book 8.5 (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

By Shannon Messenger

I DEFINITELY recommend Keepers Of The Lost Cities to person looked for a very intriguing series that’s IMPOSSIBLE to put down! I really like that Shannon added the comprehensive guide to the Lost Cities in the first half of Unlocked( Book 8.5) because we really needed all the details and loose ends to be tied up. And that map in the front cover is absolutely gorgeous! Also a LOT of game-changer stuff happens including Keefe and the cache (No Spoilers😉). Also this book picks up off of the cliffhanger in the end of book 8 (Legacy). I really like that it changes off from Keefe’s perspective and Sophie’s, cause it really gives you a deeper insight on the plot, story, feelings, message etc... I totally recommend anyone to start reading this series and Unlocked if they’ve read the other books! I would say that these books should probably be for readers ages 11-12, and maybe mature 10 year olds/6th grade and up! Like and follow me please! Bye!

Keeper of the Lost Cities

Keeper of the Lost Cities

By Shannon Messenger

Have you ever imagined that elves could be real? Or that dinosaurs were still alive? Even that places like Atlantis were real? Well all of those things are real in The Keeper Of The Lost Cities. Here are some things that happen in the book. Sophie was shocked when someone told her she was an elf. He was also an elf too. So that explained to Sophie that she can read minds after she hit her head when she was 5. When someone picks her up and gets her to the elvin world the council there tells her that she is an elf. She is now living with 2 people Grady and Edaline. They used to have a daughter named Jolie and died in a fire. She almost went to Exile for breaking the law. She is sad because when she went to the elvin world to live there they had to brainwash her family. She soon realizes that she was the project of the moon lark, meaning that the Black swan made her In the elvin world you have powers and if you had more than one it was really rare and Sophie has a lot more than one power. People kidnapped her while she was in a cave. They tried to brainwash her but didn’t work. They took off her tracker and put it in the ocean so it looked like she died. She sent out a signal to Fitz but Fitz thought it was a trap because he went to her funeral. They told him that if you don’t come then I will die. A theme I learned from this book was, ‘don’t be afraid to do something’. Sophie was scared at times but she always overcame it. For example when she was at the top 2 at the splotching match. She was going against Fitz who has been winning for years but she still ended up winning. Sophie never loses courage in what she does even if it means risking her life. Some memorable characters are Sophie and Dex. Sophie is good at everything; she beat Fitz in a splotching match and Fitz has been winning for years. Sophie was told she was an elf and had multiple powers. She goes to a school named Foxfire. Her group of friends always had her back when Stina always teased her. In that group of friends there is Biana, Dex, Fritz, Keefe, Marella, and of course Sophie. Dex is Sophie’s best friend. He is smart and is not failing alchemy. Most people fail alchemy. There are some memorable fictional places that Messenger uses in Keeper of the Lost Cities. There are similar buildings in the elvin world that we have here, such as gates and big houses, trees that take in pollution, gardens and cliffs and even caves. Despite the great parts that I enjoyed from Keeper of the Lost Cities, there were some parts that were confusing. I just didn’t understand how a brainpush worked. After you get energy after years does your brain just push the energy out like a powerful blast? I will still give it five stars because you could feel how the character feels. When Sophie left her family you could feel the pain she was feeling like leaving your family after living with them for so long was heartbreaking. I also liked how the book could be very unpredictable, and you find out new things page after page. Overall, I would recommend this book to 3rd grade and older, as there is some violence, but it seems that it would be very enjoyable for people who like exciting books that give you a rollercoaster of a ride.

Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

By Shannon Messenger

Have you ever heard about alicorns? Well an alicorn is a horse with wings and a horn that can teleport— just one of the many magical beings that you’ll read about in “Keeper of the Lost Cities: Book 2”. Sophie Foster finds an alicorn and the alicorn transmits that her name is Silveny. When Sophie finished getting her mind fixed she almost got kidnapped again. Luckily the Black Swan stepped in and helped her. During the process Silveny hurt her wing. Sophie and Silveny were supposed to make a grand opening to the sanctuary. Sophie realized she could teleport so she rode on Silveny and teleported her there.When Sophie was moving up a level, the Foxfire always had a party. When it was the upper grades turn Alden saw Whylie and he fainted. This happened because Alden had a broken mind. Elves thought no one can heal a broken mind but Sophie saved Alden because she was made that way. A theme I saw in the book was “never give up” when Sophie saw that Alden had a broken mind. She started crying in the beginning. She kept getting told that no one can fix a broken mind. But when the Black Swan said that she could fix her mind issues so that she could fix others like Alden and Prentice. She went and they said that they made her heal minds so right after she got limbulim she had a bad allergic reaction. Sophie still kept fighting because she wasn’t going to leave Alden like that after what he did for her— she never gave up. Now I am going to tell you about a few characters. Sophie Foster is mostly good at everything. She has many powers and that is rare. Dex is Sophie’s best friend. He is smart and people say that his parents are a bad match. Keefe is an Empath and always has been at Sophie’s side and he could feel Sophie’s emotions. Some buildings in the elvin world are similar to the world we live in. In the Elf world there are Gates, Big houses, Gardens and Caves. A part of the book that can be improved is when Sophie gets fixed and kidnappers try to get her. Wouldn’t the Black swan know already because they know things right away? That’s just one of the things that confused me and distracted me from the plot. Overall, Exile was confusing but still a good book even though it has some rough spots. I still give it 5 stars because it is a very adventurous book with all kinds of exciting events, like hunting down bigfoot, flying on an alicorn, or going into exile. I also really enjoyed the diversity of characters and the important themes portrayed in the novel. In conclusion, I would definitely recommend this book to kids my age around 9-10 years old.

Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

By Shannon Messenger

Have you ever heard of something called Panakes? Panakes help heal a wound if you eat the petals or put it on the wound. In the book there is only one way to get Panackes. Panackes are a fictional tree related to the Keeper Of The Lost Cities. The way to get Panackes was by a gnome Sophie met when she was joining the Black Swan. When Sophie swears an oath that she would be joining the Black Swan she discovers that Mr. Forkleis also Sir Astin. She also learns Mr. Forkle has other identities like Magnate Leto. Sophie and her friends get banned because the council thought the Black Swan was their enemy and during the time Sophie and her friends decided to join the Black Swan. While Sophie and her friends were with the Black Swan they went to Exullim. Sophie and Biana went to go and investigate about the plague the gnomes were getting. She found out that one tree was staying healthy and the Neverseen was guarding it. During their Exilim training Sophie meets twins. They helped Sophie and became good friends. They joined the Black Swan and they were trying to cure the plague and used Fitz 'brother as a guide because he knew it the best. When they stole the “cure” they made a quick escape and this turned out to be the Neverseen’s plan. After they escaped from that Calla realized that the only way to get Panackes is when a gnome sacrifice themselves and turn into a Panackes tree. What I liked about the book is that Messenger makes a huge twist by making Alvar part of the Neverseen. I think the theme for this book is “trust your instincts”. I think that is the theme because when Alvar Fitzs brother didn’t let Tam read his Shadow vapor. Tam thought it was suspicious. Later they learn that what Alvar was hiding is that he was part of the Neverseen. Important characters in the book include Sophie Foster and her friends. Sophie is a girl who is good at everything but she would take life risking things to destroy the Neverseen. Fitz always tries to stay by Sophie’s side; they are cognates. He wants to Destroy the Neverseen because his brother betrayed him. Dex is a technopath and has been helping the Black Swan build things. The Elvin world is set apart from the human world because they went against the treaty they signed with the Councilors. The Elvin world is very sparkly and everyone is born with a birth fund. Something that can be improved is that when Fintan built a wall of Everbalze around them why couldn’t Tam cover them because of the black fog so it looked like they were gone. I would give this 5 stars despite the part that can be improved. I would recommend this to fourth graders and up because this book series so far has a lot of violence. Neverseen was a good book and I really enjoyed it and it was really breathtaking what they did in this book.

Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

By Shannon Messenger

Okay, Everblaze completely exceeded my expectations. That’s all I have to say about this book. I was crying, laughing, and simply astounded while I read this, and the characters were amazing. Every time Shannon Messenger writes a book, her writing seems to get better and better, even when you think there’s no room for improvement. The third book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities is a sweet surprise that will keep you on your toes in anticipation throughout the whole book. Summary: Thirteen-year-old Sophie Foster is ready. She has waited for too long, looking at information that may be a hoax—and now, it’s time for her to fight back against the evil kidnappers who tried to kill her because of her telepathic abilities. She has friends by her side...and she will not lose this battle. But when Sophie encounters an ogre and makes a big mistake that everyone blames her for, she feels anxious, trapped in her own world. Soon, she is thrown into a conspiracy, which makes her think...that her enemies may be closer than she realized—and they’re just waiting for the right moment to strike. Can she and her friends defeat the kidnappers, before it’s too late? Read this book to find out! I would definitely rate this book 5/5 stars, and I can guarantee that you will love reading Everblaze, as well as the rest of the books in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series.

A Walk in Wolf Wood

A Walk in Wolf Wood

By Mary Stewart

John and Margaret Begbie, and their family had their family picnic at Black Forest in Germany, and after eating meal, their parents were sleeping. Both John and Margaret heard the man weeping bitterly so they decided to go and explore the woods, and turns out that they had travelled time way back in 14th century, 1348. Back then, people in 1348 doesn't even speak German, only sounds almost like English of what both John and Margaret call, "dream language". During their visit, they had met a man who is eventually werewolf, who is weeping in the ending of the book. But overall, it's pretty good book to read. - Happy Reading!

Demigods and Monsters: Your Favorite Authors on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series

Demigods and Monsters: Your Favorite Authors on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series


READ ALL OF RICK RIORDANS BOOKS JUST ORDERED THIS ONE!... -ricks number 1 fan (of course!)

The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince (Villains)

The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince (Villains)

By Serena Valentino

The Beast Within By Selena Va lento. This story is about a young prince that meets a girl in the ball that the prince throws. At that time the prince was dating. Then Geston said that the girl that the prince was dating was a pig farmer. So the boys go to the pig farmers house there she was feeding the pigs on the farm. He throw another ball. That's when Geston was talking to Bell. He meets Geston and asked if he knew that girl he said yes.Later that night Ceca turned into a Witch and said to the prince if you don't marry the prettiest girl in the village by your 21st birthday you will die.Then she turned the prince into the beast. He meets Tulip at the ball and wants to marry her. Then the prince turned into the beast and tulip runs off into the distance. Then he traps Bells father and Bell turned he in tho the beast. So if you like to read about drama you should reed this book to.

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 5)

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 5)

By Rick Riordan

Are you wondering about what book you should read next? Do you think that there are no more books left for you to read in your local library? I strongly recommend that you read the Percy Jackson series. This one’s my favorite, and it could be yours, too! If you need a book to read and can’t find one, or even if you are almost bored with no books, look on! To begin with, one of the main reasons this book series is atop many others is because it is fiction. Many readers enjoy nonfiction because you can explore the real side of the world. However, you could get many other ideas to write your own stories from fiction. Percy Jackson is also mythological, because some Greek gods have main roles in the series. If you are interested in mythology, don’t turn this opportunity down! This book series is also a classic. It’s up there with Harry Potter and The 39 Clues, you know! Second, If you love watching PG-13 movies such as The Hunger Games and Divergent, this book series also has lots of action, as well as an everlasting adventure! You’ll never regret reading this book after hearing how many are in the Percy Jackson series itself! The Lightning Thief The Sea of Monsters The Titan’s Curse The Battle of the Labyrinth The Last Olympian One last reason I want to give for you to read the Percy Jackson series is because the author, Rick Riordan, has a great reputation. Along with the 5 Percy Jackson books, He has made 3 books from the Kane Chronicles, 5 more books from the Heroes of Olympus series (which also features some of the main characters from Percy Jackson), and 2 miniature collisions of the Kane Chronicles and Percy Jackson, each around 40 pages long. Rick also wrote the first book in The 39 Clues series, The Maze of Bones. All of Rick’s books have great ratings from sites like and To sum it up, Percy Jackson is a great book series to read due to its genre, its author, and the information provided in a total of 1,726 thrilling pages! And if you don’t like reading, it’s a lot less pages to worry about than something like Harry Potter, which is almost double! That if you need a book to read, turn down the mythology aisle and pick up a Percy Jackson book today!

Ever After High: Next Top Villain (A School Story)

Ever After High: Next Top Villain (A School Story)

By Suzanne Selfors

This is a chapter book by Lizzie Hearts and Duchess Swan. They go to a school called Ever After High,which is a school for royals and villains. Duchess and Lizzie are roommates even if they are not alike, they bond with not fitting in with the royals.While Lizzie and the other royals have a good destiny's. Lizzie does not. Soon Duchess will have to either choose between friends and destiny. When she gets into general villainy class she has to do evil. Will she sabotage her only friend ? Let's find out.

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