Cool beans. (I got that from Wonder. It is a good book and shows respect. You should read it if you haven't and can.) I want a pair or two! The only problem I can think of, though, is they would not look as pristine as they did on the video. Also, you would sadly grow out of them if you were still growing. These are still amazing, though! It is amazing how they found how to make the screen bendable so you can walk. I am glad these people invented this! Even though it is SO expensive, it is still crazily cool! :) I hope they find out how to make more things like this. If so, that would be awesome! :) That is sooo amazing! Wow. This is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng post! :)~ (that was supposed to be a tongue. Ya know, the little happy emoji faces with the tongue sticking out?) Anyways, I hope all of you awesome people have an outrageous day! (And also every other day) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) and if you are wondering, no, that is not too many faces! (or this): :) :) '.' Wow, that face is awesome! :) LOL :) :) :) :) :) '.' :)