i love this because of mainly the whole story. Sara Crewe was a frail girl, so she couldn't live with her father in India. He was also a chef of the military . Her mother died when she was very young, so Sara is all her father had. However, he had to drop her off because she could stand the heat in India. Since he came from London, Sara's father decided to send Sara to Miss Minchin's boarding school for girls in London. However, before he left he had bought Sara an extraordinary wardrobe and a doll , so she would fit in with the other girls. At first, Miss Minchin said she would be a favorite pupil only because she was getting money. But when Sara got the letter 3years later that said her father gave his bank book to a friend he thought he could trust, but instead his so called "Friend," robbed him and ran away. Slowly Sara's father weaken from stress and his surroundings and soon died. Miss Minchin saw the letter and told Miss Amelia Miss Minchin's younger sister and they, including the other pupils started treating Sara badly. Now, Sara's doll emily is the only friend she has, but Sara still believes she has a friend inside her.