Articles with 600-800 Words

The Barkley Marathons, The World's Hardest And Quirkiest 100-Mile Race

Though there are numerous ultramarathons, competitions that exceed running or walking the traditional 26.2 miles, very few compare to The Barkley Marathons. The annual 100-mile race that challenges participants both mentally and physically has been completed by only 14 of the 1,100 total participants in its 30-year history. To put it in perspective, that is just two more than the number of people that have walked on the moon!...

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The Barkley Marathons, The World's Hardest And Quirkiest 100-Mile Race

Spacewalks Have Come A Long Way In Fifty Years!

Fifty years ago, on March 18th, 1965, Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov took the first spacewalk. It lasted just twelve minutes and almost ended in a disaster. That's because the vacuum of space caused his pressurized suit to inflate and become rigid, making it impossible for Leonov to re-enter the Voskhod 2 space capsule airlock. The quick thinking astronaut let out some of the precious air from his suit and despite severe decompression sickness, manage to stumble back in and live to tell his harrowing tale....

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Spacewalks Have Come A Long Way In Fifty Years!

How Jan Scheuermann Controlled A Fighter Jet Simulator Using Only Her Mind

In 1996, Jan Scheuermann, a successful businesswoman and mother of two, began to notice her legs were not quite moving along with the rest of her body. A visit to the doctor revealed that she suffered from spinocerebellar degeneration, a rare genetic disease where the brain gradually loses connection to body muscles. By 2003, Jan had lost all ability to control her limbs and was paralyzed from the neck down....

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How Jan Scheuermann Controlled A Fighter Jet Simulator Using Only Her Mind

Get Your Green On! It's Almost Saint Patrick's Day

It's time to tuck away those black and blues that you have been donning all winter and get some green on! That's because Tuesday March 17th is St. Patrick's Day, which means that those not sporting the color will have to endure painful pinches! Of course this fun holiday is also about searching for four-leaf clovers and leprechauns that can lead you to gold. So how did the death anniversary of a once obscure saint who was not even Irish by birth, result in all these fun traditions? Read on....

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Get Your Green On! It's Almost Saint Patrick's Day

Mythical Lost City Discovered in Honduras

It sounds like the plot from a National Treasure movie, but this time, the discovery of an ancient city in Central America is real! On February 25th, researchers emerged from La Mosquitia, a very remote jungle area of Honduras, with some incredible news. They had been able to locate the mythical “White City,” rumors of which have persisted since the 16th Century....

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Mythical Lost City Discovered in Honduras

Pi Enthusiasts Prepare To Celebrate "Once In A Lifetime" Event

Pi Day that is celebrated on March 14th (3.14) annually, is always a significant occasion even for people that are not particularly fond of math. That's because while celebrations may begin with a discussion of the symbol, they invariably end with consuming different variations of Pi's yummy namesake - pie! However, this year promises to be even more special. That's because, for the first time and last time this century, the day will fall on 3/14/15, which happen to be the first five digits of Pi!...

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Pi Enthusiasts Prepare To Celebrate "Once In A Lifetime" Event