Articles with 600-800 Words

Can These Plastic-Eating Wax Worms Help Reduce Our Trash?

Though plastic shopping bags are incredibly cheap and useful, their disposal causes widespread pollution. That's because the non-biodegradable polyethylene takes centuries to decompose and is also detrimental to wildlife who often mistake the colorful debris for food. Now, we may have an unlikely ally to help clean up our trash – a small wax worm bred primarily for use as premium fish bait....

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Can These Plastic-Eating Wax Worms Help Reduce Our Trash?

Honoring Our Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day

Memorial Day, which will be celebrated on Monday, May 29 this year, is one of the most important holidays in the American calendar. Observed annually on the last Monday of the month, it honors the men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Though the tradition is believed to have been started by local communities in the late 1800’s, the first official Memorial Day celebration is credited to Waterloo, New York. On May 5, 1866, the town’s residents organized a community-wide event to pay respects to perished soldiers by decorating their graves with flowers and flags....

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Honoring Our Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day

Mark Your Calendars For This Summer's "Great American Eclipse"

As you are firming up your summer plans, you may want to pencil in the total solar eclipse on August 21. Dubbed the ‘Great American Eclipse,' it is not just the first total solar eclipse visible from the contiguous United States since February 26, 1979, but also the first that can be seen across the country, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, in almost a century. The last time the celestial phenomenon was experienced coast-to-coast was on June 8, 1918!...

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Mark Your Calendars For This Summer's "Great American Eclipse"

Celebrate Earth Day With These Fun Activities

Forty-seven years ago, on April 22, 1970, twenty million Americans took to the streets to voice their concern about the deteriorating environment and urge the government to take action before it was too late. The grassroots movement, which is now celebrated by over 2 billion people in 192 countries, led to the enactment of numerous environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973....

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Celebrate Earth Day With These Fun Activities

The Events That Led To The U.S. Airstrikes In Syria

On April 4, the world woke up to the news that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s army had conducted airstrikes targeting the town of Khan Sheikhoun in the rebel-held province of Idlib. The attack killed 85 people, including 16 women and 23 children, and wounded over 350. Images of the victims choking and gasping for breath on social media and reports from Doctors Without Borders, which supports medical clinics in rebel-held areas, led to the conclusion that it had been a chemical attack. Experts speculate the government used sarin, a toxic nerve gas, massive exposure to which can cause instant death....

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The Events That Led To The U.S. Airstrikes In Syria

Do We Sleep To Forget Irrelevant Memories? Some Scientists Certainly Think So!

Researchers have long maintained that we sleep to accomplish a neural or physiological function that cannot be completed when awake. Why else would higher animals waste a third of their lives sleeping when they could be doing more important things like looking after their families, working, or hunting? Some scientists believe sleeping helps recharge the body, while others think it is important for consolidating newly-formed memories. Now, there is new evidence which suggests that the purpose of sleep may be to forget some of the millions of new things we learn each day....

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Do We Sleep To Forget Irrelevant Memories? Some Scientists Certainly Think So!

Brush Up Your Math Skills — Pi Day Is Almost Here!

Even if math doesn’t rank high on your list of favorite subjects, chances are you still look forward to Pi Day. That’s because though the discussions may begin with Pi — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — they invariably end with a piece or two of yummy pie! The event is commemorated on March 14 because though the irrational number (its decimal representation never ends and never repeats) has been calculated to over ten trillion digits, it is widely recognized as 3.14....

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Brush Up Your Math Skills — Pi Day Is Almost Here!