Kids Books - Trending Books

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks: The Mane Event

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks: The Mane Event

By Perdita Finn

This is one of the best books I've ever read! The third exciting adventure in the Equestria Girls series! The girls rock a new story about friendship at Canterlot High. The follow-up to Through the Mirror and Rainbow Rocks.The book also Includes 14 pages of activities! So....if you like the Equestria Girls series, I highly recommend this. P.S If you watched the movie please right a review because I would love to watch it, Thanks!!!!

The Monster in the Hollows (The Wingfeather Saga)

The Monster in the Hollows (The Wingfeather Saga)

By Andrew Peterson

I LOVE THIS BOOK SERIES!!! 🚨SPOILERS🚨The Wingfeather Saga (book 3) is about Janner, Kalmar, and their little sister Leeli. They and their mother Nia, their grandfather Podo (who used to be a pirate), their unckle Arthrum, and a book colector from Glipwood named Oskar have set sail to the Green Hollows to hide from Gnag the Namless but the moment they arive the people of the Green Hollows already don't like something about them. Janner's little brother, the high king of Anniera, is a Grey Fang like the many they have fought in the past. After a bit Nia used a Hollish way to set her Fangish sun free but under a condition, if Kalmar breaks a law, Nia will take the same punishment wether she was involved or not. Though while in the process Arthrum left for what he thought would be for the good of the rest of the Wingfeather family. Soon the Wingfeather family makes their home at a large house called Chimney Hill aswell as go to a school. While there they get to pick their guilds. Leeli picked the houndry (where she learns to train dogs), Kalmar picked the Durgen guild (where he learns to fight), and Janner picked- well- he was forced to pick the Durgen guild aswell so he could protect his brother incase things got bad because he is the throne warden. They stay in the Green Hollows into the fall and everything is normal- untill one night when a monster called a cloven creeps by the large home. After that night Janner heard a lot less of Kalmar's snoring. One day Kalmar showed Janner a cave he found in the prarie. Though little did he know Kalmar was hiding a big, ugly, smelly secret inside the cave he thought was just an empty cave. Suddenly, night after night more and more animals are taken from the farmers of the Green Hollows till one night, Janner notices his brother has been sneeking out of the house each night. One snowy night, Janner fallowed his brother's tracks to find his own brother was responsible for all those lost animals. Kalmar brought Janner to the cave to reviel his secret, he was hiding the cloven they saw that night. He was nursing it back to health (it was wounded because someone tried to end its life the night they first saw it) because he said when he looked into it's eyes, he saw himself. He had been taken into custidy that very moring to hear him and his mother would be exicuted- for eating a girl? He had taken the animals... but he sertianly didn't eat any one. Especally the house maids daughter, Bonnie. Just before they where going to be exacuted, the cloven Kalmar helped came walking in with a smile on his face and a little girl in his hands. The girl Kalmar was accused of eating. But just as it came in with the little girl, he was taken down by the Hollows fulk. But not even the cloven took the little girl. It was an 87 year old man named Bonifer Sqoon, the old man who gave them Chimney Hill, had risen aginst them and brought in an army of Grey Fangs. After a bit of fighting, Janner realized this cloven wasn't just a monster, it was his father he thought was dead his whole life. And just before the Grey Fangs and Bonifer where about to sail off to Throg with them, their cloven father and their mother (who is still a human) raced to the rescue. Their father had been badly hurt and they decided to grant him his last wish. To sail the Anniera. Though they turned around when their father's life had come to an end, Janner was able to live a short dream he would have never thought possible in a million years: to sail on a boat with his father. When ther arived back at the Green Hollows, the began making plans to go to war with Gnag the Nameless. I hope your found this review helpfull! God bless!

Meet Me at the Moon[MEET ME AT THE MOON][Hardcover]

Meet Me at the Moon[MEET ME AT THE MOON][Hardcover]

By GiannaMarino

This book is a classic mom and kid tale for as the two split up and then come together again!😍😀



By Edward Bloor

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Tangerine is a story of Paul, who is legally blind. Even though he can't see very well, he still fights for the right to play soccer at his new school, Lake Windsor Middle School. However, the soccer coach tells Paul and his mother that Paul can not play because he was handicapped. Paul was sad, however, when his school is swallowed by a giant sinkhole, it gives him and his friend a chance to go to Tangerine Middle School. There, Paul is allowed to play Soccer, and meets new friends, as well. However, when Paul's evil brother Erik and his friend Author start to cause trouble, It's up to Paul and his friends to stand up for what they believe in. This book is spectacular! I really recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a inspirational story!

Sing Down the Moon

Sing Down the Moon

By Scott O'Dell

I like it so far! Bright morning and her friend at grazing there sheep on the mesa.A storm happens and bright morning leaves her sheep! Her mom makes her get them her mom gave her the cold shoulder. Her mom didn't let her graze the sheep again that summer. The next spring came Bright morning was allowed to graze the sheep! When Bright morning and running bird are on the mesa they see there swarm enimes (one of them) The long knives! They were coming to capture them so they can become slaves! They took the girls to a town and left them with there new people. Luckily they meet a girl and she helps them escape! On the way back to there indian home they run into bright mornings crush.He and his friend help them get home. They relized they were being followed. Tall boy her crush kills the leader! The other guys ran away they were hiding. So then they got home.There other people enimes tell them to leave there him homes. They had no choice! They left cannon de chelly and camped out in the woods! They burned there homes and ruinened there crops! There enimes now found out they were hiding in the woods. So that is where I am hope that you liked my review!✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

Weird But True Ocean

Weird But True Ocean

By National Geographic Kids

This book is great for young kids who are eager to learn amazing ,interesting and gross facts about the ocean. From learning that Hawaii's white, sandy, beaches are actually made of parrotfish poop (Yuck!) to learning 299 more amazing facts about the world's oceans. Did you know that a stonefish'es spikes can pierce through a Polar Bear's fur on it's paw? That means a if a polar bear steps on a stonefish, it could be fatal !

Ultimate Oceanpedia: The Most Complete Ocean Reference Ever (National Geographic Kids)

Ultimate Oceanpedia: The Most Complete Ocean Reference Ever (National Geographic Kids)

By Christina Wilsdon

Wow this is so cool I love sea creatures

Extreme Ocean: Amazing Animals, High-Tech Gear, Record-Breaking Depths, and More

Extreme Ocean: Amazing Animals, High-Tech Gear, Record-Breaking Depths, and More

By Sylvia Earle, Glen Phalen

Cool! I really want to read this- or maybe my brother does more :) He really likes these kind of books- If anyone has read this please reply and tell me :)

The Ultimate Book of Sharks

The Ultimate Book of Sharks

By Brian Skerry

The Ultimate Book of Sharks is filled with amazing facts and pictures! Every page you see in this book is guaranteed with a new fact, a new picture, and color. I was not interested in sharks that much, but when I read this book I was amazed by the pictures of these beautiful sharks. I also was very interested in the facts, and this is actually the first time I've picked up a shark book in 3 years. This National Geographic book is one of the best I've probably read so far. I rate it 5/5 and recommend it to ages 7-16.

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