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By Raina Telgemeier

Have you ever devised the perfect plan to achieve your dreams but found that constant interference from others was holding you back? In Raina Telgemeier’s Drama, the protagonist, an outgoing, theater-loving middle schooler named Callie, is forced to deal with school drama both onstage and offstage. The setting for most of this story is Eucalyptus Middle School, where Callie works as the set designer for her school’s theater production of Moon over Mississippi. She has a lot of ambitious ideas as to how the cast and crew can create the perfect production, however, she encounters numerous difficulties. For one, the limits relating to budget, materials, and time are causing her some trouble, and to top it all off, her fellow stage crew and actors aren’t getting along very well, and Callie ends up caught in the very middle of it. She has to persevere through it all and try her hardest to make the production the best it can be. A memory moment Callie has in the story is a memory of the first theater production she ever saw and how much it inspired her. She recalled wanting to adopt the roles of characters in productions, but eventually she realized that it wasn’t her strong suit. That didn’t stop her from continuing to learn about the various aspects of theater, and she ended up joining the Eucalyptus Middle School Stage Crew during her 6th grade year. This was how she first got involved in theater and how she would become the set designer for Moon over Mississippi. Anyone who likes a good graphic novel, is interested in theater, or enjoys an amusing story involving some classic school drama might like this book.

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl

By Rachel Renée Russell

Dork Diaries Tales From a Not-So-Popular Party Girl is written by Rachel Renée Russell. I would recommend this book to the people that aren't popular at school or doesn't have a lot of friends because this book tells us to be confident and believe in yourself, don't be ashamed of yourself. I really like this book because McKenzie always tries to humiliate Nikki but it never works, in the end, Nikki always fixes everything and McKenzie would be very angry all the time. I think that McKenzie is jealous about Nikki because Brandon always talks to her. And when McKenzie asked Brandon to be her date, Brandon said no to her. The thing that made me really mad is that McKenzie canceled the Halloween Dance just because Brandon didn't agree to be her date ,instead, Brandon asked Nikki to be his date. Also, McKenzie purposely told her aunt that Nikki is very good at drawing and that she can help the little kid to draw their faces, and she bought Nikki a rat costume that was really stinky and dirty. But I'm really happy that Nikki cares about her friends so much that she didn't tell them the truth because she didn't want to hurt their hearts after what they saw their crushes did. And she also didn't tell Brandon that she was supposed to spend the night with her friends, Chloe and Zoey. But because she wanted to satisfy everyone at the same time, she had to run three places and change into three different costumes at the same time. Also, she had to make sure that non of them saw her at the same time. I found out that evil people never wins and kind people always has a happy ending. And I wish everyone could be like Nikki and have a happy ending like her's. I wish that no one would be like McKenzie, treating others badly and trying to humiliate other people that she doesn't like and acting all innocent.



By R. J. Palacio

Wonder was a book I first read 2 years ago, and over the years, I just couldn't stop re-reading it. The kids at my school call this book "childish", "horrible," and "weird just like the kid in the book." I think just the opposite. August is a normal kid on the inside, but not on the outside. His face has a 'deformity', which is pretty much one of the best words I could think of to describe it. Wherever he goes, people get frightened of him, scream, and run away. August always wanted a normal life and a normal face. August has always been homeschooled, but now he has to face a new challenge - actually going to school, surrounded by his peers. He was shown around by three of the 'nicest kids in school,' Jack, Julian, and Charlotte. August later finds out that Julian is not very nice at all. Once he starts going to school, August becomes best friends with Jack and people quickly start getting used to his face after weeks and months go by. He also becomes friends with Summer, and they make their lunch table, a "Summer-Only Table." At Halloween, August goes to school in a Bleeding Scream costume, when everyone thought he was going in a Boba Fett costume. August overhears Jack talking to Julian about their friendship. Jack said some very uncaring remarks about August, which he didn't really mean. But August got hurt and decided to not to be friends with Jack anymore. He was so hurt that he wanted to quit school, but his sister Via, convinces him not to. His sister Via was the one who had stuck up for him through thick and thin. Jack is very confused to why August doesn't talk to him anymore (since he didn't know it was August in the Bleeding Scream costume.) He asks Summer (who August had confided in) and Summer says, "Bleeding Scream," but Jack doesn't understand. Later, when Jack and August are paired for a science project. Jack pieces together the whole thing and realized that August was the person in the Bleeding Scream costume. Then, when Jack is talking with Julian and Julian calls August a freak, Jack punches Julian, defending his friend. Julian's mom takes it out on August instead, saying that August shouldn't even be in Beecher Prep. Meanwhile, August learns that Jack stood up for him and they become friends again. There are many characters, and each character takes a turn telling the story, so there are many chapters about the characters, side-stories, kind of. In these chapters, August and Via's dog, Daisy, dies. It is very sad and whenever I read it, I keep crying because of their sadness. Via also stars in a play and makes up with her friend Miranda, who she had separated from earlier in the book. Near the end of the book, the whole fifth grade (the grade that August is in) takes a trip to a nature reserve park. While August and Jack are in the woods, some seventh graders insult August, calling him "Gollum" and "Freddy Krueger", which was similar to the insults my friends said about August. Miles, Amos, and Henry, who were formerly friends with Julian, stood up for him. This reminds me when my friends and I all stood up against a bully, who was a common enemy. In the end of the book, we learn that Julian will not be returning to Beecher Prep in the fall. Also, as the school year finishes, there is an award ceremony. In the award ceremony, the principal gives a speech on how someone in this room accomplished great things, and overcame a lot of things. The last award in the book was given to August because he overcame everything, even with so many obstacles thrown in his way. I also want to give a special mention to the quotes in the back of the book, and one (said by August) especially moved me. "Everyone should get a standing ovation at least once in their life, because we all overcometh the world." It was beautiful. To conclude, this book moved me to tears. It was heartwarming, it was beautiful, it taught a wonderful lesson, got me emotional, was hilarious at some parts and was very touching. "This book is a wonder." - Myself.

Grace (American Girl Today)

Grace (American Girl Today)

By Mary Casanova

This was such an amazing book.I kept reading it.Some parts made me laugh I fell of my chair.I lived in Paris before.Grace has big summer plans-starting a business with friends!When Mom announces a trip to Paris,Grace gets on board,but her trip isn't all she hoped it would be.She and her French cousin aren't hitting it off,and Grace's friend back home have started a business without her.Can Grace step out of her comfort zone,try a few new things, and come up with a successful idea of her own?

Warriors: Dawn of the Clans #2: Thunder Rising

Warriors: Dawn of the Clans #2: Thunder Rising

By Erin Hunter

I am almost finished with this book. It is epic! Join Gray Wing and young Thunder as they live in a world of change and chaos, and bonds between family and friends. I cannot believe that Erin Hunter can write so many amazing books and come up with so many amazing ideas! ∞ stars for me!!!

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1)

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1)

By Rick Riordan

There are five books in the Percy Jackson series, and many more books in the series Heroes of Olympus, which is kind of the sequel series to Percy Jackson. Today I will be reviewing the first book. The first book is good, I guess, it's okay. But it didn't appeal to me that much. *SPOILERS BELOW So basically the story centers around a kid named Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson has been expelled from every school he's been to so far because of accidents, like landing the whole class in a shark tank in the aquarium. When his current school, Yancy Academy, goes on a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with his class, including his nemesis, Nancy and his best friend, Grover. His teacher, Ms. Dodds, turns out to be one of the Furies. The Furies are demons, basically, in Greek Mythology. His other teacher, Mr. Brunner, gives him a sword that can be disguised as a pen, called Riptide. Percy defeats Ms. Dodds and sends her back to Tartarus, which is the ultimate-horrible-place-to-go-when-you-die- place. Percy and his mom drive to Montauk Beach, but is met by Grover, who gives them a warning to go back. However, while driving, they are attacked by a Minotaur (monster that is half-bull, half-man.) He takes Percy's mom and Percy kills the Minotaur, before falling with exhaustion. Later, he and Grover are rescued and taken to Camp Half-Blood. While at Camp-Half Blood, Percy discovers that he is a demigod, a son of a mortal and one of the gods/goddesses in Greek Mythology. He also learns that Grover is a satyr (a mythical creature with horse-like features) and that Mr. Brunner is a centaur (half-horse, half-man). He also meets other demigods, like Annabeth, who is a daughter of Athena, Luke, who is a son of Hermes, and Clarisse, who is a daughter of Ares. Since no one knows who his god parent is, they place him in the Hermes cabin. Later, when they play a game of Capture the Flag, a trident appears above Percy, revealing that he is the son of Poseidon. Percy learns that Zeus, the king of the gods, thinks Poseidon used Percy to steal Zeus' lightning bolt, Zeus' chief weapon. The Oracle (a fortune-teller) tells Percy to return the stolen lightning bolt to Zeus to prove that he didn't steal it. Percy then has to go on an odyssey to find the lightning bolt with Annabeth and Grover. Percy, Annabeth and Grover defeat several mythological creatures, including the demon Medusa, who has snakes for hair. Now here's where it gets super confusing - at least for me. The trio find Hades, god of the dead, who has taken Percy's mom because he thinks Percy stole the Helm of Darkness (Hades' most powerful weapon). He says if Percy returns the Helm, Hades will return his mother. Percy realizes that Ares has all the stolen items. The backstory behind that is that when the lightning bolt was stolen, Zeus sent four of the most agile, quick, young and smart gods out to search for it, Apollo, Artemis, Athena and Ares. Only Ares found the true thief, Luke (the son of Hermes) but didn't turn him in. Instead Ares took the lightning bolt and the Helm of Darkness to start a war between the gods (because Ares is the god of war.) Percy challenges Ares to a duel, and surprisingly, wins. After getting all the items and returning them to their rightful owners, (and freeing his mother), Percy, Annabeth and Grover return to Camp Half-Blood. At Camp-Half Blood, Percy doesn't know that Luke is the thief (because Ares left that detail out) but Percy gets it quick enough when Luke tries to kill him with a scorpion. It is also revealed that Luke is a servant of Kronos, the King of the Titans, the enemy of the Gods. After all that, Percy decides to not stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, only in the summer and to spend the rest of the year with his mother. Okay, here it is. There's a lot of five-star reviews, and I like this book. But it isn't one of my favorites because for one, the characters seem a bit one-sided. Percy's brave, Annabeth's witty, Grover's loyal. That was pretty much everything interesting about the characters. That kicked it down one star. The imagery and world building - amazing. Up one star. Descriptions were pretty good. Up one star. Managed to make my emotions go up and down and all around. One star more. One star less because it was so confusing and generally, I couldn't understand it near the end even though I have a solid base of Greek Mythology. It is a good book, I just feel it could use some improvement. But let's just say this - it's a book that stuck with me through and through and basically, it's worthy of putting on a special shelf on my bookcase. ~FelicisOwl



By Raina Telgemeier

I love this book out of all I think that this book is my 2nd favorite book. I love that there are flashbacks, I think it's really cool that it tells you the past that connects to the future. I also love that it shows that sisters never get along all the time. It also shows that even if sisters usually disagree they can always come to an understanding sooner or later. I think that this a great book and I love all her books. I love the art style. In conclusion I give this book a 5 stars.

Weird but True! Star Wars: 300 Epic Facts from a Galaxy Far, Far Away....

Weird but True! Star Wars: 300 Epic Facts from a Galaxy Far, Far Away....

By National Geographic Kids

This is amazing, so many things about SW i did not know! Yoda is Grogu - huh go figure

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