Kids Books - Trending Books

National Geographic Kids Everything Insects: All the Facts, Photos, and Fun to Make You Buzz

National Geographic Kids Everything Insects: All the Facts, Photos, and Fun to Make You Buzz

By Carrie Gleason

This is a nice book coz it's for kids and you can also learn about insects and where they live or stuff like that. Recommended book. 5 stars <3

Weird But True Food: 300 Bite-size Facts About Incredible Edibles

Weird But True Food: 300 Bite-size Facts About Incredible Edibles

By National Geographic Kids, Julie Beer

Really interesting facts about food that probably 0.000001 of the people on Earth know about! A great way to learn new and exiting things -Nerdybanana

National Geographic Kids Just Joking Animal Riddles: Hilarious riddles, jokes, and more--all about animals!

National Geographic Kids Just Joking Animal Riddles: Hilarious riddles, jokes, and more--all about animals!

By J. Patrick Lewis

Just Joking is what i call a funny book. With jokes and facts, its a great way to make learning fun!

Why'd They Wear That?: Fashion as the Mirror of History

Why'd They Wear That?: Fashion as the Mirror of History

By Sarah Albee

*24 hours ago before I read this AWESOME book* National Geographic: Did you know why Napoleon always have his hand in his coat? Me: Ummm... no.... maybe he's photogenic, likes getting in the spotlight, or enjoyed standing still to get himself painted???? National Geographic: Actually you're on the right start, but Napoleon just liked himself getting painted a lot, and it was his trademark... Me: Phew.... National Geographic: Did you know whalebones can be used as a shapeshifter??? Me: Maybe?!?!? National Geographic: Did you know as a symbolic gesture, Gandhi wore homespun clothes and spent his---- Me (cuts National Geographic off): Sorry to interrupt you but instead of asking questions to me, can I just read the book... *Present 2015-* Wow this book was amazing.... I am a fashion freak and a history nerd (guilty as charge :p) but I still learned so many new things. I really liked it how the author included so many fashion guidelines while added history tidbits and pictures to go along with it....Each page there is a huge fun fact like, &quot;I see muslin, I see France, finally some underpants,&quot; XD there was a huge paragraph how women used to not wear underwear... but now they do (phew....) because of the virulent influenza epidemic a.k.a the muslin disease.... Anyways (SPOILER ALERT) but this book was huge... which totally made my day... and it was COLORFUL like scattered rainbow colored sprinkles on to of a hot fudge sundae with a cherry on top and oooooh some whip cream....Now I'm getting off topic, but just looking at the colorful pages and the drawings and paintings made me spend more time on this book... like seriously I took like 10 minutes on one page... looking at all the details and reading everything word to word.... like actually analyzing... don't judge.... and you can tell this is a good book because I usually am a fast, avid reader... but this took so much time... when I had free time, I would just read this book (still want my hot fudge sundae with cherry and whip cream)....Anyways, fashion started around the ancient world wearing wool, linen, and hemp where they weaved it into textiles, while in China just discovered silk making out of cocoons, and in Egypt wearing kohl... Now during the middle ages they were dressed to kill... they wore armors and it was so interesting how linen evolved to metal armor (I guess that's just life :P).... Now in the age of exploration they used... yes... lipstick and blush... wore moccasins, and the conquistadores wore a lot of RED (made me think of Taylor I guess I just have to shake it off... pun intended :D)... Now during the Renaissance period.. they were wearing wigs and beautiful and extravagant dresses with layers (reminded me of cake... now I want a hot fudge sundae and cake lol :D)... and it was the time period where they really experimented with makeup------- I might as well spoil this book... but I am not going to.... Read it for yourself!!! You'll never forget this experience learning so much... it's like a brain overload... but since I like learning.... my brain is okay... but still... you should read this book, you can now know all different type of clothes from different time periods (Seriously... I was picking out an outfit for school yesterday... and I mostly know what type of my clothes' origins... like where it actually started.... like legit :D...I was pretty happy, because the book actually taught me stuff) But this book makes you think... about fashion today, and what problems are created because of fashion :O... Like remember guys... our fashion used to be like sagging jean (for guys, that was horror ;0), tattoos, ombre hair, rubber band bracelets, silly bands, platforms, body piercings, and so much more... so if this is our fashion (or was) what do you think our fashion is going to be like in twenty or maybe a hundred years later... You see fashion plays such a huge role, and we have to kind of be careful... So read this amazing book! You'll learn so much information, you can impress your history teacher (lol ;P)... but still for those who enjoy reading books from National Geographic books, likes history books, or is a fashionista yourself... READ this book!!!! National Geographic: Now that you read the book... can I quiz- Me: Sure, I'll ace your questions! National Geographic: In Japan, what do court lad- Me (cuts them off) : You mean how court ladies dress... I can answer that question *gives a big smile* they wear multiple kimonos also called junihitoe, which means women wears 12 layers of clothing... and can wear up to 20 layers! National Geographic (looks surprised and uncomfortable): Ummm I see you learned a lot... Pop quiz is over! A+ for you... *quickly rushes out of the room* Me: Yay.... so READ this book!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!! *skips happily out of the room.... stopping for a second to take a selfie with the book : WHY'D THEY WEAR THAT?*

National Geographic Kids Chapters: Scrapes With Snakes: True Stories of Adventures With Animals (NGK Chapters)

National Geographic Kids Chapters: Scrapes With Snakes: True Stories of Adventures With Animals (NGK Chapters)

By Brady Barr, Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

i am really fasinated by snakes so i like or love this book club a lot!

National Geographic Readers: Meteors

National Geographic Readers: Meteors

By Melissa Stewart

i love reading about space and rockets.

National Geographic Readers: Thomas Edison (Readers Bios)

National Geographic Readers: Thomas Edison (Readers Bios)

By Barbara Kramer

Thomas Edison did NOT invent electricity Tesla Did Edison stole his idea...

Temple Run: Race Through Time to Unlock Secrets of Ancient Worlds

Temple Run: Race Through Time to Unlock Secrets of Ancient Worlds

By Tracey West

i used to get 1994883446 as my high score no joke but it takes like 3 hrs

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