Kids Books - Adventure Books

The Letter for the King

The Letter for the King

By Tonke Dragt

So it turns out that there was a letter, and there was a king. Three feudal kingdoms, complete with knights and all that: EVIELLAN, DAGONAUT, and UNAUWEN. They are the kingdoms in the book, and Eviellan, as you can see from the spelling, is evil. Or at least, it is ruled by evil humans. Tiuri, a native of The Kingdom of Dagonaut, named after the ruler, King Dagonaut, is going to be a knight. Wow. Knights have cool armor, don't they. But first, he must reflect upon the duties of a knight, but his concentration is broken by a mysterious person banging on the door and asking to be let in. The human is a squire, and he tells Tiuri to deliver a strange and scary letter to a knight, one with a white shield and black armor. The knight then tasks Tiuri with an arduous task, to deliver a letter all the way to Unauwen, before dying a horrible death because some Red Riders, horsemen from Eviellan wearing red armor have mortally wounded him. "My feet are going to be tired." Tiuri thinks, and then he takes the man's black horse, which he gifted to him, and rides on. A quest has begun, it seems. So, I shall now rate this book. Laura Watkinson did a great job translating the book. (It was originally in Dutch.) The book has an old-fashioned style, so some readers may not want to read it maybe. The descriptions are nice, and it is filled with action in most parts. However, the book was not very deep; there was character development, but they could have more character. Overall, people who wish to read classics and/or fantasy will like this book

The Vile Village (A Series of Unfortunate Events, No. 7)

The Vile Village (A Series of Unfortunate Events, No. 7)

By Lemony Snicket

Klaus, Sunny and Violet Baudelaire are orphans, their parents died in a tragic fire and left an enormous fortune behind - causing them to have too be taken care of by a family member/guardian and Mr. Poe - and banker with an annoying cough - is in charge of finding them one. This family member/guardian that Mr. Poe leaves them with is named Count Olaf, and he is not intent on taking them in to help them cope with their loss and love and care for them, he wants the fortune they're parents left behind. In this issue book #7 the children find themselves in a village - also known as the V.F.D., were the motto "It takes a village to raise a child", isn't so accurate. The Baudelaire's find themselves in A Series Of Unfortunate Events throughout the book along with mystery and comedy to keep you entertained. I highly recommend this book to those that love a good mystery and a laugh to go with it.

The Mysterious Benedict Society

The Mysterious Benedict Society

By Trenton Lee Stewart

This book is SO AMAZING! The plot pulled me in to this fast-paced adventure! Reynie Muldoon, an orphan, sees an ad in a newspaper that says, "Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?" Reynie passes 3 important tests that qualifies him for a special opportunity as described to him. But who would have thought that this "special opportunity" would be a incredibly important spy mission? Reynie and the other 3 kids who passed the tests, Sticky Washington, Kate Wetherall, and Constance Contraire, are instructed by Mr. Benedict to go to the LIVE Institute run by the evil mastermind Ledroptha Curtain. Mr. Curtain has this institution to use the children attending in his plan. He wants to rule the world, as most villains you know do, but the way he wants to do it is by controlling people with the telepathy. He takes the students in his school to whisper messages that broadcast into other people's minds. He is working towards the Improvement, as he calls it, which will erase people's memories! I know, right? Who would have thought? It's up to the Mysterious Benedict Society to foil Mr. Curtain's plan. Can they do it? I really loved this book, 5/5 stars! I encourage adventure-loving people to read this book!

Redwall (Redwall, Book 1)

Redwall (Redwall, Book 1)

By Brian Jacques

Matthias starts out as an adorable pup of a mouse and ends up a good and formidable young adult mouse. He is the protagonist and you can't help but adore him, together with Constance the Badger and the old Methuselah mouse... The second favorite of mine, Silent Sam, is plain cute, and the Sparrow and Rabbit are great supporting characters! But the star of the show is definitely the writing style and the enchanted atmosphere of this world. The descriptions are brisk but just enough to give you a feel of the forest and its inhabitants, while the banter is plentiful and lively. The whole book reads very smoothly and there is no chance of you getting lost along the way. I loved all the different characters, and really enjoyed the old-school valiant hero and terrible villain. I also liked that the author didn't shy away from death and pain. Actions have consequences and kids, who often believe themselves invulnerable, eventually have to deal with the changes that come from the passing of someone, and that life changes, but keeps on going... 5/5 star :)

Lord Brocktree: A Tale from Redwall

Lord Brocktree: A Tale from Redwall

By Brian Jacques

The first Redwall book I read as a kid, and was so good I went on to read all the rest of them! 5/5 would recommend.

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

By Robert Louis Stevenson

The skull

I recommended this book because of the action I read the classic starts version and saw the play. You would like this it is about a boy called Jak Harkniss his father owned the Admiral benbow a man called billy bones comes and tells him "if you see a man with one leg tell me" a few days later billy bones gets a letter he is so shocked he died. Then Jak and his mother fiend a chest and then bad guys come. Then he finds the navy and goes on a journey where he finds a treasure and then theirs a battle. It is really good.

I Survived #4: I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941

I Survived #4: I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941

By Lauren Tarshis

I love this book! It is about a boy who lives in pearl harbor and his experience of the bomb hitting Pearl Harbor. This book is a page-turner! I certainly recommend it!

The Ersatz Elevator (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 6)

The Ersatz Elevator (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 6)

By Lemony Snicket

If i were you, i would not read this extension to the Series of Unfortunate Events. In this dreadful story, the Baudelaires are sent to live in a penthouse apartment with Jerome and Esme Squalor who have taken them in because orphans are in. Esme Squalor is to obsessed with what is in and what is out to take real care of the orphans and Jerome Squalor is to cowardly to argue with his wife or anyone. One would think living in a enormous penthouse would be grand, but with busy gurdians and trying to find their way through the maze of bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, sitting rooms, standing rooms, and all the rooms with no pupose, life began to be as horrendous as any of the Baudelaire's past experiences. Then, with the arrival of Count Oalf- now dressed as an auctioneer named Gunther-and the discovery of an ersatz-a word which here means "false, faux, of mock"- elevator, the orphans lives head down a downward spiral. Literally. During this huge mess Violet, Klaus, and Sunny learn more about their friends disappearance, the meaning of V.F.D., and the hidden secrets of the Baudelaire mansion. For your sake and mine DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!

The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate Events #8)

The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate Events #8)

By Lemony Snicket

After escaping the Village of Fowl Devotees, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire arrive at a store to send a telegram to Mr. Poe, explaining their situation and pleading for help. The store's generous owner explains that a van of 'Volunteers Fighting Diseases' arrives once every day for a gas refill. The van arrives, and the Baudelaires, thinking it to be the acronym 'V.F.D.', escape into it after the owner recognizes them as the accused murderers in the Daily Punctilio, an unreliable newspaper series. The Baudelaire orphans find themselves in a hospital. They blend in with the volunteers fighting diseases. They get a job in the records department where they hope to find information that will help them prove that they are not murderers and tell them more about the evil Count Olaf. To find out what happens next read the Hostile Hospital. I give this book 5 stars because it is by far the most interesting one out of the Series of Unfortunate Events books I've read.

The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 10)

The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 10)

By Lemony Snicket

it is a very exciting book. There is suspence at every corner just waiting to pop out and give you a surprise that you knew was coming but didn't think it would come that way. I recommend this book for 3rd graders and up( 3rd graders with high reading level)

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