Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the seven books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (7)
  • pizzagirl7
    pizzagirl7almost 4 years
    When will summer reading 2021 start?
  • teagytornado101
    teagytornado101almost 4 years
    You can get them pretty much anywhere from Amazon to a local bookstore!! And there are 9 amazing books! (1-85. 8.5 isn't really a BOOK it's more like all the 'behind the scenes' stuff of the series.)
    • bookqueenpaige
      bookqueenpaigealmost 4 years
      I have a question, Do any of you guys know where I can get the koltc series and how many books are there?
      • bsc
        bscalmost 4 years
        Yup! You can get them on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and a good chunk of local bookstores. There are currently 9 books in the series.
      • bsc
        bscalmost 4 years
        I have some AMAZING news! For my birthday, my parents got me all 3 books in The Hunger Games series. So excited to read it!
        • 100letters
          100lettersalmost 4 years
          The Hunger Games is a great series! I just finished Mockingjay!
        • lovetoread26
          lovetoread26almost 4 years
          That's so exciting! I love the Hunger Games! I know you were waiting to be able to read them, aren't they great?
          • bsc
            bscalmost 4 years
            They are amazing! I am reading Catching Fire now. You can check out my review for The Hunger Games!
          • bookfan2009
            bookfan2009almost 4 years
            That's awesome!Let us know what you think of them!!
          • roxanne3
            roxanne3almost 4 years
            OOH that's super exciting!! I posted a happy birthday thing for you in Nat Geo but it looks like it hasn't posted and I don't know if it will. Happy Birthday!! Make sure to give us your reviews when you're done!!
        • ivywolf
          ivywolfalmost 4 years
          Anyone read Hatchet?
        • teagytornado101
          teagytornado101almost 4 years
          Good afternoon everyone!! Sooo...I was wondering if any of you would like to collab on something? Maybe we could make...OOH, I website or something??? KOTLC Fan page? A book? I'm down for anything!! Reply ASAP cause Im only keeping this 'offer' up till April 20th! Bye!
        • sylvie55555
          sylvie55555almost 4 years
          Yay! If the summer reading starts at the end of April again, we have less than a month left!!!!
          • bookfan2009
            bookfan2009almost 4 years
            Wow your right!!
            • bsc
              bscalmost 4 years
              Oh yes! That's very exciting. I can't wait!!
              • teagytornado101
                teagytornado101almost 4 years
                omg your right!! What are you going to be reading? Im going to start reading The Hunger Games Series.
                • roxanne3
                  roxanne3almost 4 years
                  Hunger Games is SO good!! Have you by any chance seen the movies??
                  • teagytornado101
                    teagytornado101almost 4 years
                    I havent! I want to read the books first. (I had my mom tell me what the series is about and I fell in love with it even before I started reading lol)
                    • roxanne3
                      roxanne3almost 4 years
                      Yess I'm in love too lol <3 I haven't actually watched the movies either!!!
                • sylvie55555
                  sylvie55555almost 4 years
                  Me too! I haven't read it yet, so I'm planning to this summer!!
                • roxanne3
                  roxanne3almost 4 years
                  I'll probably re read Hunger Games, HP, KOTLC, the Selection, and I'm planning to buy a box set of Divergent so I can read all of them (I've only read the first one) I'm excited for summer reading to start!!!
              • teagytornado101
                teagytornado101almost 4 years
                Wassup yall?! Sooo I have some KOTLC Questions!! 1) Who's your fave character? 2) Who do you ship the most? 3) Which character do you wish didn't exist in the series? 4) Which area in the Lost Cities would you want to live in? 5) Which character would you want to be if you got the choice? 6) Which book is your fave? And 7) Which bodyguard do you like the most? My answers: 1) Sophie! 2) Sophie and Keefe! 3) Vespera or Brent or Lady Gisela. I can't choose! 4) Atlantis for sure! 5) Either Biana or Sophie. (I look more like Biana though) 6) Unlocked. 7) Either Ro or Sandor. But prob Ro. I love her crazy colored hair.
                • 100letters
                  100lettersalmost 4 years
                  1. Biana 2. SoKeefe! 3. Dimitar 4. Havenfield 5. Probably Biana 6. That's hard...I love all of them! 7. Ro! Thanks for the questions!
                  • bsc
                    bscalmost 4 years
                    1. Biana 2. Wylie and Linh 3. Fintan 4. Mm...probably Evergreen 5. Biana 6. Legacy!! 7. Ro for sure!
                    • bookfan2009
                      bookfan2009almost 4 years
                      1. Defiantly Sophie! 2. Biana and Dex. 3. Brent 4.Atlantis 5. Biana 6. Definatly Unlocked 7. Probably Ro . Thank you for these KOTLC questions!
                      • roxanne3
                        roxanne3almost 4 years
                        1) ugh can't choose lol 2) Biana and Dex, that never changes :) 3) Probably Vespera I can't stand her!! 4) Oooh that's hard... 5) Prob Biana 6) Don't have one but probably later in the series, it definitely got better!! 7) Ro or Sandor, same!! Thanks :)
                      • bsc
                        bscalmost 4 years
                        Hi everyone! Who do you ship in KOTLC? If you don't ship anyone in KOTLC or haven't read the books, comment who you ship in a different book! For KOTLC, I ship Biana and Dex, Linh and Wylie, and Sophie and Fitz.
                        • teagytornado101
                          teagytornado101almost 4 years
                          Sokeefe!! I totally agree with Dexiana and Linh and Wylie. (Winh??) Sorry to say but...Im 100% AGAINST Fitz and Sophie.
                          • bsc
                            bscalmost 4 years
                            Haha, that's totally fine! I get other's opinions. Personally, I am in-between Fitz (I was disappointed with all of his questions after Oralie in Legacy) and Keefe (His note and not talking with Sophie was like UGH!)
                            • teagytornado101
                              teagytornado101almost 4 years
                              Lol, same!! I literally tossed my book onto the ground after I read πŸ˜‚ Super annoying but I'm sure cause Shannon did that, book 9 will be awesome.
                              • roxanne3
                                roxanne3almost 4 years
                                SAME I'm so glad someone understands me!!!!!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
                            • roxanne3
                              roxanne3almost 4 years
                              Biana and Dex FOR SURE, hmm I mean I was kinda leaning towards Keefe after the last few books (x Sophie) but for the longest time I was all for Fitz so that was hard :/
                              • teagytornado101
                                teagytornado101almost 4 years
                                Same!!! I was totally Fitz until he kept being all "Let me ask a billion questions even tho you said no!" to Sophie after she came home from Oralie. Than I went Over to Keefe but...he letter to Sophie in Unlocked made me SO MAD!!!! (Also, I just found out that it isn't pronounce Bront...it's Bron-tay!!!)
                                • bsc
                                  bscalmost 4 years
                                  OMG, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who pronounced Bronte like that! I still do it. @Teagytornado101, how do you pronounce Oralie? I pronounce it Ora-LYE. Just curious!
                                  • roxanne3
                                    roxanne3almost 4 years
                                    Omg yes my brother was saying 'Bront' I was not but when I finally explained it to him he was like WHAT it was funny. About Oralie, I'm kind of in between idk if it's Ora-LEE or just like Ora-LIE how it's spelled. :)
                              • bsc
                                bscalmost 4 years
                                Biana and Dex rules! I get what you are saying about Keefe and Fitz, I was in-between them for a bit.
                          • teagytornado101
                            teagytornado101almost 4 years
                            Shout out timeeee!!! I know I haven't done this before but I decided to!! So here they are: @bsc, @roxanne3, @bookfan2008, @lovetoread26, @sylvie55555, @ivywolf, @little_angel727, @armcginn, and last but not least, @pizzagirl7!! If you didn't get a shout out, just let me know and I can give you one!! Stay safe!! -TeagyTornado101

                          Summer Reading 2020 has ended!

                          April 29 - August 18, 2020
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