Read & Win Prizes! How it works...
- Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
- Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
- The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning
Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the eight books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.
Summer Reading Prize Books (8)
- Knights Club: The Bands of Bravery: The Comic Book You Can Play
Introducing a new series of interactive, pick-your-panel graphic novels for middle grade readers,...
- Hocus & Pocus: The Legend of Grimm's Woods: The Comic Book You Can Play (Comic Quests)
This middle-grade graphic novel series features an interactive pick-a-path storyline, full of puz...
- Kid Scientists: True Tales of Childhood from Science Superstars (Kid Legends)
From the author who brought young readers KID ATHLETES, KID PRESIDENTS, KID ARTISTS, and KID AUTH...
- Explorer Academy: The Nebula Secret
Adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission await 12-year-old Cruz Coronado as he joins an ...
- Share Your Smile: Raina's Guide to Telling Your Own Story
Calling all fans of Raina Telgemeier!Have you ever thought about creating your own comics? If the...
- Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (A Sal and Gabi Novel, Book 1)
How did a raw chicken get inside Yasmany's locker? When Sal Vidon meets Gabi Real for the firs...
- The Storm Runner
A contemporary adventure based on Mayan mythology from Rick Riordan Presents! Zane Obi...
- Aru Shah and the End of Time (A Pandava Novel Book 1) (Pandava Series)
Best-selling author Rick Riordan introduces this adventure by Roshani Chokshi about twelve-year-o...
- 13iamgrootover 5 yearsHi, i'm new to dogo books, please follow me. Right now I am following applemango, beachbreeze14, and pizzabangirl9000. I love to read so much, let me know what your favorite book(s) are! Mine are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and the Hunger Games.
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsIf you follow me first ;)
- 13iamgrootover 5 yearsI am now!!
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsFollowed ya ;)
- 13iamgrootover 5 yearsThanks!
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsNo problem ;D
- jaden07over 5 yearsi came up with a cool slogan for any rick Riodran books . If its a Riodran book its a roaring book! Let me know what you think.
- pizzagirl7over 5 yearshhahaha!i love it!
- ajg16over 5 yearsHahaha love it
- beachbreeze16over 5 yearsoh i love Rick Riorden's books! cool slogan :)
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsIt really fits. Lol
- bunny84over 5 yearsPlease follow me ( I'm only 4 years old)
- pizzagirl7over 5 yearsWow!only 4 days left!
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsIkr!
- pizzbangirl9000over 5 yearsHi guys I'm new to do go summer reading and all but I just wanted to post few questions 1)Will u follow me? 2)if you were told to shout out to somebody who would it be out of the top ten? 3)how old are u? 4)how long have u been on here for? 5)Will you give a shout out to @sylvie55555 @applemango and @zzayumi? 6)can u get ur avatars as close as you can by looking like he you do in real life? Thank you for answering!β‘
- inmemoryofcprover 5 years1. If you follow me first ;) 2. @zzauymi, @mushroomcet, @applemango and @bookwormdude29 3. 6th grade 4. about 3 months 5. Of course! 6. I just changed my avatar so I don't plan to change it anytime soon. Maybe 2 weeks later.
- ajg16over 5 years1. Yes! 2. Do u mean on summer reading or anyone? 3. 3 years I think? or close to that. 4. Sure! 6. I'll go change it now. Thank you for the Q's!
- sylvie55555over 5 yearsThank you so much @pizzbangirl9000!
- editorover 5 yearsHI Slyvia55555 - Congrats on being one of the top ten reviewers. We need a parent consent form on file to ship the prizes - if we don't receive it by next week we will be sending the books to the next winner on the list,
- shayshaygirl25over 5 yearsshoutout for ccswishingstar and sylvie55555
- pizzagirl7over 5 yearsshout out to ajg16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- sylvie55555over 5 yearsThanks!
- shayshaygirl25over 5 years1)If you follow me back!!! 2) @ccswishingstar or @sylvie55555 3)l0 4)about 2 months? 5)maybe!!! 6) mine looks like me without freckeles.
- sylvie55555over 5 yearsThanks so much @shayshaygirl25
- beachbreeze16over 5 years1. yup! 2. bookstory13, applemango, ajg16, and grapefruit 3. 9th grade 4. about 2 years 5. sure! 6. yup, that's my avatar now!
- shayshaygirl25over 5 yearsOMG!!! I just realized I got editors pick!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought this would happen!!!
- pizzagirl7over 5 yearsgreat job!!!!
- ajg16over 5 yearsNice!!
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsCongrats!
- beachbreeze16over 5 yearsgreat job!
- ajg16over 5 yearsOnly 5 days left...! So sad it's almost over.
- inmemoryofcprover 5 years
i wish it could last longer...
- ajg16over 5 yearsMe too
- ccswishingstarover 5 yearsI GOT MY FIRST EDITOR'S PICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- pizzagirl7over 5 yearsgreat job!i also got my first editors pick this month too on the giving tree
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearssame! except i got my first 2 this month instead. and good job!
- shayshaygirl25over 5 yearscongrats!!! so did I! what book?
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsWhooo!!! Good job!!
- isabellagamerabover 5 yearsGuys i changed my name again because jolia35 and abrawishinstar you guys arnt realy liking those names so i changed it to isabellagamerab
- isabellagamerabover 5 yearsIs there eneybody new yet? oh and i'm back from my trip to tazzy it's freezing but it's my new home
- inmemoryofcprover 5 yearsCool!
Summer Reading 2019 Stats
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