Summer Reading 2018
KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!
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- Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
- Select books from Reading List
- Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
- Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
- Do it again (till Prizes last)
* max of 16 books per entry
Reading List (50)
Prizes (50)
- applemangoover 6 yearsHi guys! I just changed my avatar! Like my look?
- gameboy333over 6 yearslooks good
- olliebobover 6 yearsThat's super cute! I love it!
- lumosover 6 yearsYup! Looks great - I will get a “new look” soon :)
- spykittenover 6 yearsI'm not sure if I should.
- bookstory14over 6 yearsIf you like a certain part, just change something small like the eyes or the mouth. I changed just the hair and like it.
- auntiebover 6 yearsOh! You changed your hair! It looks nice!
- bookstory14over 6 yearsThanks! I changed it back because this is how I like to have it in real life.
- auntiebover 6 years:)
- auntiebover 6 yearsYou guys now match hair!
- haydengirl71907over 6 yearsI LOVE your new look it looks so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- bookstory14over 6 yearsYep! It looks awesome! The blonde and bright blue go well together!
- spykittenover 6 yearsYes I do!
- lumosover 6 yearsMy goal is to get to 42 by the end of this week
- gameboy333over 6 yearsmy goal is 49
- spykittenover 6 yearsWhy not 50?
- auntiebover 6 yearsI think he means by the end of the week......
- auntiebover 6 yearsWow that's a lot to read!
- haydengirl71907over 6 yearsYou can do it
- applemangoover 6 yearsI'll be cheering for you happy_cat!!
- lumosover 6 yearsI didn’t do it LOL
- bookstory14over 6 yearsThat's absolutely okay! You are still one of the top summer readers!
- auntiebover 6 yearsHow many books did you reach?
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearsbks if you have not already a new comment on love begins with the twist of two tails came up so go take a look
- bookstory14over 6 yearsOkay, thanks kruzingwithk9s! I read your reply and commented on it, and I think it showed up! --BKS
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearsok thanks
- jaden07over 6 yearsim going camping so i wont be here for a while, Dont worry i got some books to read
- spykittenover 6 yearsHave very much fun, jaden07!
- applemangoover 6 yearsCool, well rock it over there!! Camping is very fun!
- lumosover 6 yearsHave fun, @jaden07! :)
- pizzagirl7over 6 yearsHave lots of fun!!
- olliebobover 6 yearsHave fun! See you soon. :D
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearswell have fun!
- applemangoover 6 yearsCongrats to belle252 and eybook2018! You're one of the Top,Top summer readers! And congrats to the people in the summer reading program!
- lumosover 6 yearsCongrats to you, too!
- belle252over 6 yearsThanks
- applemangoover 6 yearsGuys I wasn't on here for quite a long time and is there anything I missed?
- lumosover 6 yearsYAA I MISSED YOUU!
- spykittenover 6 yearsapplemango! I missed you!
- applemangoover 6 yearsThanks Guys!!!
- lumosover 6 yearsI’m almost finished with Grump, it is so amazing, I can’t express it in words <3 <3 >3
- spykittenover 6 yearsI know right?
- auntiebover 6 yearsIs it better than Rump?
- spykittenover 6 yearsMuch!
- auntiebover 6 yearsI really enjoyed Rump!
- lumosover 6 yearsNever read Rump, but it literally made my cry :)
- auntiebover 6 yearsYou should read Rump!!! I will try Grump eventually I got it as a prize book! But I have a ton of books to read.
- applemangoover 6 years^^ I agree with you!
- bookstory14over 6 yearskruzingwithk9s I like your new look! It's on FIRE!!! --BKS
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearsthanks
- bookstory14over 6 yearsNo problem! :) --BKS
- spykittenover 6 yearsLOL!
- bookstory14over 6 yearsIt does! LOL! Like literally though it's awesome! --BKS
- toriburnover 6 yearshave you guys read goddess girls? i love them
- applemangoover 6 yearsYes, I have! They are pretty fun!!
- grapefruitover 6 yearsIt's really good! And I wish I could draw like the cover artist.
- bookstory14over 6 yearsAll you need is practice! --BKS
- spykittenover 6 yearsNo, but i'll try them!
- belle252over 6 yearsI just read fifty books im so happy! Thanks DOGO for this accopmlishment, i spelled that wrong but whatever.
- olliebobover 6 yearsAWESOME JOB, @belle252!
- grapefruitover 6 yearswow, that's a lot!
- belle252over 6 yearsThanks everyone one thing I would like to say is that all the books were super good some of them i thought i would not like but i ended up loving, i would never judge a book by its cover again I almost missed Wishtree or books like Artemis fowl.
- belle252over 6 yearsDOGO provides such a variety its amazing!!!
- lumosover 6 yearsCongratulations :D
- auntiebover 6 yearsWoo!
- pizzagirl7over 6 yearsGreat job!!
- spykittenover 6 yearsCongrats!
Summer Reading 2018 Stats
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