All About Snakes - Cobras, Rattlesnakes, Anacondas, Pythons and Other Deadly Venomous (Poisonous) Reptiles: Another ‘All About’ Book in the Children’s ... Facts and Pictures Books - Animals, Snakes)
By Jordyn Madison
SNAKES! Perhaps no animal terrifies as many people as the snake does. And while most are actually quite harmless, others can be dangerous and deadly! This book has them all. A children's book with fun facts and beautiful pictures.
Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.
You and your child will learn all about these beautiful but sometimes dangerous creatures. There are dozens of gorgeous pictures of each animal shown in its natural environment.
Here Are Just Some of the Snakes Included
- King Cobra
- Rattlesnake
- Python
- Anaconda
- Vipers
- Coral Snake
- Water Moccasin
- ... And many more!
Download your copy today!
Tags: Snakes, Deadly Snakes, Deadliest Creatures, Deadly Animals, Venomous Snakes, Most Venomous Snakes, Asps, Vipers, Rattlesnake, Boa Constrictor, Python, Anaconda, Cottonmouth, Water Moccasin, Coral Snake, Black Mamba, Puff Adder, Death Adder, Tiger Snake, Poisonous Snakes, Poisonous Animals, Inland Taipan, Zoos, Zoology, Children's Books, Children's eBooks
Published on 4/17/2014
Binding: Kindle Edition
Number of pages: 53
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